Monday, July 20, 2015

Mad World

There are few things that drive me to prayer more than the current state of affairs that we as a society have found ourselves. For many people in Western society the words of Friedrich Nietzsche proclaiming God to be dead ring true. Unfortunately for Nietzsche he heralded the wrong person's death. God, is still very much alive and well but there is another who has died and he goes by the name of Common Sense. 

It is nearly impossible to turn on the news, open up Yahoo, or go anywhere without seeing or hearing about the complete state of madness our society is in. I am not saying that we should all read the Four Blood Moons or that we should be listening with intent for trumpets sounding (although we should always be prepared for the immanent return of the Christ Jesus). I have always taken issue with the belief that the book of revelation was for the 21st century United States, and with the belief that we are somehow culturally worse off than the Greeks, Romans, and Babylonians. I do however believe that we are witnessing a distressing time in our culture, and  the decisions that are being made today will alter the course of our future in ways that I do not believe will play out well.

Popular culture has been infected with a philosophy of progressivism, post modernism, and atheism that have produced a deadly cocktail, which has poisoned Common Sense and laid him to rest in the grave that Nietzsche meant to bury God. There are other harmful side effects to this cocktail that is being dished out by academia and politicians on both sides of the aisle. One side effect in particular being double minded. This double-mindedness causes, hypocrisy, and insanity. One of the most saddening things about this hybrid philosophy that is being shoved down the throats of every one in our culture is that it manipulates the mind into believing that everyone believes this way. This could not be further from the truth. One statistic which proves this is that in a recent poll Americans were asked what percent of the world's population they believed to be LGBT, the answer 20-25% when in reality at it's lowest it is only about 1.5% to at the highest 8%. I am not taking a swipe at the LGBT community but what I am doing is trying to show just how deceiving those pushing this philosophy have actually become.

The hypocrisies of those who further this twisted agenda are increasingly blatant and unbearable. If you agree with them you are open minded and praised, if you have a different opinion your mind is closed and are lambasted as a bigot and attacked. If you are for lower taxes and limited government, that some how makes you a racist and hate minorities. They claim that there are no absolutes and they are absolutely sure of this. They claim that there is no truth, and that this is a true story. In an attempt to never be told they are wrong, they have embraced relativism They claim that there is no race and we are all equal, but are continually divisive in the areas of race. They preach truth and love, but are responsible for violent protests and praise extremists. They view all religions as equals unless it is Christianity. They shamed Micheal Jackson for turning himself white, but applaud an ex NAACP president for being white and wanting to be an African American. Sex is held in little regard, yet they want severe punishment for rapists (which I don't disagree with but I find sex to be sacred). They claim that they are for the rights of women, homosexuals, christians (in their weird twisted way), and those of other faiths, all the while they conspire and make dealings with countries in which these people are gunned down, thrown off of buildings, and crucified. They have built their foundation upon the ever shifting sands of the Sciences. Proclaim that doing whatever makes you happy is to be applauded and the ultimate good unless that which makes you happy is murder or rape. They claim to hate slavery, yet enslave the less fortunate to their social welfare programs... The list unfortunately could go on and on.

No one thinks anymore. Everyone has a philosophy yet they refuse to consider what their philosophy entails. Everyone hates being challenged about their worldview because they have not challenged it themselves. When will the madness stop? When will people truly become open minded, when will people truly question everything? The only things that are being questioned in the 21st century are traditions and the past, yet we somehow forget to put all of our progress and "enlightened" ideals under the same microscope.

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